What Does an Art Agent Do and Do You Need One

If you’ve come to the realization that you can’t do it all on your own—or you feel like your art career development has hit a plateau and could use a little professional muscle–you might want to consider hiring an art agent.

If you’re seriously thinking about boosting your career as a fine artist or visual artist, art representation can help you take things to the next level. Finding someone experienced and knowledgeable to promote your work, help you find paying gigs, and put your online art portfolio in the right hands could significantly accelerate your career growth—and free up valuable time for you to actually do the thing you love!

Naturally, you might have some questions: Exactly what does an art agent or art representation agency do? How much are art agent fees? How do I know if finding artist representation is the right choice for me–and how do I make that happen? ….

*Excerpt via Format’s “Art Agents: Do You Need One”

*Originally published September 2021, updated October 24, 2022