Rebels With a Cause 👊🏽👊🏻👊🏽👊🏿👊🏾👊

The struggle is real and it's happening right now before all of our eyes. Immediately after Donald Trump became America's President-Elect, thousands of people across the country took to the streets in protest. What was an amazing surprise (or not really) were the countless American teens who left their classrooms to protest peacefully. Welcome to the new world - again. 

The youths are revolting, because this is their first time witnessing a racial divide. They read about Martin Luther King's protests in books, but their generation never thought that history would repeat itself and that they would be affected. It doesn't matter what party you belong to, the bigger cause comes down to family. What will happen if Trump's deportation plan comes to fruition? Once you change a family's dynamic, there is no going back ever to the way it was. 

The youths are protesting at the frustration of not being accepted, that the color of their skin, or their ethnic background is not good enough. Teen angst is a thing of the past, what we are seeing now is fear and loathing. They shouldn't have to deal with a national crisis, but they are choosing to. Their activism is searching for answers to their questions and solutions to the problems they're facing every day and watching in the media. 

What are we supposed to do now that the youth have found their voice in the new world's dilemma? We have to believe in them, support and guide their actions and have their back. Inspire them to express their opinions and most importantly to exercise compassion. They need to know that having the freedom of speech comes with a responsibility to be genuinely kind to others. Words matter, actions matter. Stand by them, because hopefully what they're doing right now opens the eyes of the generations before them. Let's not forget that everyone is going through it in different ways with different causes to rebel from. On Man Repeller they give an insightful 'Post-Election To-Do List' on the many ways everyone can take action and help each other through these times. Post it on the fridge, there's some good sources that they can share with their friends. Everything counts now. Their struggle should not get any bigger. 

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