Creative 101: How To Stay Inspired

For some if not all creative brains, it can be a struggle to find inspiration much less stay inspired. You're either staring into an abyss of creative starvation or doubting yourself on what it is exactly you're trying to do. Anyone with an innovative thought whether it's peering through a lens, hand to paintbrush, typing words to become a novel, or even a night of power coding can understand the need to stay in the zone. The creative spot in your brain that connects solely with your heart and gut. When that's revved up, good things happen.  


The mental exercises are constant, on replay so that even when you're asleep things are registering maybe coming to you in dream formations. Being inspired is one thing, a blessing in disguise. Staying inspired requires a hearty determination to keep the wheel moving (visualize a hamster) so that your ideas keep churning. Churn baby churn. 

Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso


If you're lucky enough to live in a metropolitan city with easy access to art galleries and museums, go. Go and make a day of it. See what all the fuss is about. Stand underneath a masterpiece. Nine times out of ten, you end up leaving there with less congestion after ingesting works of art. Other people's viewpoints can be inspiring.

Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin


The greatest painters, novelists, songwriters and filmmakers all had muses. That one person who was able to look into your soul, at least that's what it felt like for you alone. Your personal muse is there not to be worshipped, but to remove any doubts of failure and inadequacy of your own talent. The muse fills you with secrets, hopes and you feel unstoppable. 

Grace Coddington via The September Issue


It's as easy as that. In the words of Grace Coddington as explained in The September Issue, "Always keep your eyes open. Because whatever you see can inspire you." 

How to stay inspired via DNAMAG


I know that has the antithesis of get up off your ass and do something, but it's true. Aspiring screenwriters know this to be true, when the words well is dry, hit up Netflix stat. Create a movie playlist of your favorites that you can watch over and over again until suddenly something brilliant works its way in. Visual imagery and dialogue has a way of doing that, especially when you least expect it. Indie films are magically potent for these predicaments. Go search for one and you'll also be supporting a local, smaller independent theater. 

Song: We Are Nowhere And It's Now Artist: Bright Eyes Album: I'm Wide Awake It's Morning


It takes a mere 3 seconds to lose yourself to melody. Even a robust bass drum will awaken your senses and make you want to create stuff. Music has that power. 

How to stay inspired via DNAMAG


First, to state the obvious, be thankful of your creative talents. Congratulate yourself that you get to wake up every morning and do what you love to do. Then, don't ever take it for granted. Appreciate your strengths, the support system you have in your life, personal experiences that have you made you stronger and be thankful that you have a curiosity for things unknown. Knowing what you have keeps the juices flowing and the insecurities at bay. 

Start with those and if all else fails there's always Instagram and Tumblr. 

Creative 101: How to stay inspired via DNAMAG

All images were plucked from Google search and some from this cool Tumblr

*Originally published April 2021, updated February 4, 2024