Watch Rihanna's Documentary on Education in Malawi

Watch Rihanna's Documentary on Education in Malawi

This past January Rihanna visited Malawi on behalf of the Clara Lionel Foundation and as an ambassador to the Global Partnership Education and Global Citizen. Malawi, being one of the poorest countries in the world, Rihanna's passion within the foundation is advocating for a stronger system that ensures the children of Malawi receive a quality education they deserve. 

In the documentary, Rihanna is very hands on and easily connects with a classroom of kids and motivating them through the magic of melody as a way to learn.  Malawi has its challenges as it's well explained in the doc, whether it's not having enough schools for the number of children to attend, or it's a matter of safety. You'll see how these kids faces light up when learning easy arithmetic and without chairs or desks. We take our educational resources for granted, and it's true what Rihanna says in the doc that it's unfair that these children don't have the opportunity to pursue school, because they have so much potential. 

The goal of Rihanna's charity and Global Citizen is to call on world leaders to increase their education budgets and funding to the Global Partnership for Education to help it reach $3.1 billion between 2018 and 2020. You can learn more and take action here